Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Two Polls, Two Seconds

Hello ladies,

Let us know how often you'd like to meet and the setting you'd like to meet in!

How often would you prefer to meet?
Quarterly free polls

What Setting Would You Prefer?
A coffee shop
A restuarant
A bar
I'd prefer to mix it up and meet in all these places free polls

Friday, October 12, 2007


Hello ladies, and welcome to the official blog of the founding chapter of the Young Women's Professional Society!

It's well known that networking and relationship building are keys to a long and successful professional career, whether your goals end at CEO or consulting. Although it's easy to network within your own industry, I've always been stymied when it comes to crossing the borders of my industry. Moreover, as young women, we face unique challenges, such as how to manage those who are significantly older than you, commanding respect, ageism, and lingering gender bias. This society will provide a place where we can exchange not only contact information but tactics for handling these situations and more.

Each meeting will have an agenda that allows for general conversation and the exploration of a specific topic or challenge facing women in our age group. Potential topics include: Work/Life Balance, Getting Heard and Remembered, and Tradeshow Skills; we will also poll the membership for topics that are relevant to YOU. We'll also take some time each week to examine the career path, choices, and challenges of one of our members.

Thanks for taking a look, and please feel free to request an invite to the myspace group: